The Wild Wild West: The Night of the Kraken (1968)
Season 4, Episode 6
Makin' Krakens
24 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Night Of The Kraken" features perhaps the most frightening super threat of the entire series: a giant squid that attacks both at sea as well as extending it's slithery reach to shore. In the episode's most suspenseful scene, West and a local fisherman watch as a massive disturbance breaks surface right next to their comparatively tiny boat. Never has West's trusty derringer seemed so tiny a defense when a huge coiling tentacle rises out of the water. As the fisherman is dragged kicking and screaming into the depths, West barely manages to save himself by hacking off a portion of the creature's arm. An altogether impressive sequence, even the image of West clinging to the side of the boat makes for a memorable portrait in the show's brilliantly-conceived four scene title logo.

As in other episodes with paranormal themes, there's usually someone behind-the-scenes pulling the strings. In this case, it's a mercenary who's built himself an underwater fortress from which he plans to test a limpet mine capable of seeking and destroying ironclad ships. The kraken itself is revealed to be a mechanical monstrosity built (like in any good "Scooby-doo" episode) to scare off the locals who might uncover the bad guy's nefarious plot.

Though represented only by a single tentacle, the kraken is still quite an ambitious effect for the series to have undertaken. Basically, the illusion is created by disturbing the waters around which the monster's limb rises. Though the mono-filament that actually pulls it up is visible, the attached lines actually give an organic look to the movement of this full-sized prop, thereby enhancing the illusion considerably. Also impressive is the sight of the limpet mine as it appears to move under it's own power straight for it's re-directed target: the underwater fortress. The artistic design of the prototypical scuba apparatus West uses to search the depths features some rather neat baroque touches. The only really bad effect is a shot of the interior of the base's underwater access pipe as it looks no bigger than your kitchen drain.

Ted Knight is surprisingly effective in the guise of a bellowing doom prophet, a cover to protect his true identity as the mastermind behind a plot to destroy the USS Missouri. Like Harvey Korman in "Night Of The Big Blackmail", it's at first odd watching an actor like this, known primarily for his comedy roles, playing it straight as a villain. Still, Knight is able to fit into both parts of his role quite nicely. Decked out in his black leather "bad guy" jacket, Ted's trademark silvery hair looks especially striking. Disappointingly, the complicity of Marj Dusay's character is pretty much given away in the first act, canceling any shock that might have been derived from her eventual confession.

Throughout the episode Ross Martin disguises himself as a Portuguese fisherman, a Swedish repairman (who doesn't want to play any "hinky-dinky games") and a henchman who looks like Rick Springfield with a handle bar mustache. And in each case, it's clear that no matter what face he adopted, Ross always looked pretty snappy with a little facial hair.

Richard Shore's music well captures both the awesome size and dangerous presence of the kraken, and his use of metal drums imbues more than one sequence with a particularly cool vibe.

As spy vs. squid tales go, one is not likely to find any better than this.
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