Oh my god, I just wasted 90 minutes of my lifetime
25 July 2008
Somebody here on IMDb wrote "this movie is like a porn movie with violence instead of sex". And after watching this movie, I have to disagree with this person, because I've seen porn movies that were way better directed than this one. I mean, this looks like a bunch of silly kids took a camera and made their own movie just for fun. But is it a least funny? Legendary Italian anti-director Lucio Fulci produced a series of

gore-movies in the 80ies, normally featuring horrible acting, brainless scripts, 10-miles-over-the-top brutality and clumsy directing. But these movies were fun. They were 70-90 minutes of pure, unintentionally funny entertainment. But this movie right here isn't even entertaining in that tradition. It just... well... sucks. It's

too slowly paced, too monotonous. And the gore-factor right here can't really compensate for this. There have been single minutes in braveheart that were more gory than this whole movie. There are just a couple of very short scenes with some guts and blood, in between long periods of pure boredom. This is the kind of movie, you'll have to apologize for, if you convince other people of watching it with you.
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