LA Blues (2007)
Awesome Flick with a 'trick' ending!
25 July 2008
I just caught this flick on PayPerView, and was REALLY surprised. GREAT cast, excellent writing, and beautifully acted...Really, what more can you ask for nowadays! Don't ask anyone how it ends!

We should see more of these type of flicks, but unfortunately, if it's NOT a Blockbuster type, it doesn't get much press. I hadn't even heard of this movie, and it came out in 2007! Honestly, I don't hear about EVERY flick that comes out, but try to keep up. Here's a big 'Hell Yeah' for PayPerView! It's definitely worth the price of admission, and a copy of the DVD! I always liked Marsha Thompson, and REALLY LOVED her character the Las Vegas. She almost steals the movie a few times here.

Anthony Michael Hall is FANTASTIC as a fast talking, take NO bullshit, agent with a stone cold heart, about to melt!

David Foley is great as the 'feel sorry for him' type guy that you really want to slap and tell him the truth!

Sean Maquire is PERFECT as the self obsessed, alcoholic actor who is have a 'bit of a problem' with his ex, and visitation with his daughter. Just saw him in 'Meet the Spartans' and he fits this character perfect!

..and of course Kevin Rahn and Valerie Cruz are excellent telling the whole story, and we watch it unfold. I always loved her in 'The Dresden Files'!

If you get a chance to catch it, then do, whether on Sat, Vid or whatever. GREAT flick!
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