Hill Street Blues: Death by Kiki (1983)
Season 4, Episode 4
One of the best episodes ever
28 July 2008
This episode has one of the most outrageous plot twists ever seen on television. You probably need to see the previous 2 episodes (at least) to get the full impact. But it's worth it. A dash of comedy, a lot of drama, a lot of pathos, a lot of true character development. And that one outrageous moment. My jaw dropped when I first watched it in 1983. Betty Thomas and Ed Marinaro (Ofc. Bates & Coffey), Bruce Weitz (Det. Belker) and Charles Haid (Ofc. Renko) all have major character scenes. Joe Spano (Det. Goldblume) has a moment when he suddenly starts crying -- it was supposed to be genuine guilt and grief, but to me it comes off weird. Actor Michael Warren (Officer Bobby Hill) gets some really meaty scenes as a man confronted by his own internal demons. Special mention should be made of Clinton Derricks-Carroll. He played Kiki, and he was brilliant! This episode has everything that HSB was famous for -- great ensemble acting and plot lines that take you to places you don't expect.
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