Eureka: Bad to the Drone (2008)
Season 3, Episode 1
Season 3 not off to a good start
30 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've always enjoyed this show; it has an amusing charm and Colin Ferguson does the physical comedy well. Unlike some, I've no problems with the way the Carter, Allison, Stark triangle plays out - I would have been fine had she ended up with Carter or Stark. The science on the show seemed grounded enough to straddle both the fantasy elements of sci-fi and the real- world/possible elements of reality.

However, this episode was exceedingly disappointing, largely due to the very lazy and simplistic writing, particularly the solutions to further the plot. Given that this episode is written by the same people that have essentially been the writing half of nearly every other episode, it is even more disappointing. For example, given the episode HOUSE RULES, it makes no sense that a drone (no matter how souped up) could easily overcome S.A.R.A.H. in order to "spring" Zoe out. I can understand why the writers did it and its necessity to the plot, but they could just as easily have the Martha drone intercept Zoe in front of Sarah (which could even have lead to a neat shoot out scene between Martha and Sarah).

The freezer of Cafe Diem was particularly uninspired and visually boring. And what kind of decent restaurant puts fresh items in a freezer? It also does not follow logic that Zane Donovan would have the kind of ideals, politics (and opinions about authority) that he displays in E-MC...? and then all of sudden agree to be in charge of a purely military scientific application. It also begs logic that the DOD, after a history of $400 plus toilet seats, would all of a sudden hire some corporate downsizer to help them oversea a crowd of scientific minds (or that the creative scientists would put up with it). If their contracts don't mean anything to the DOD and they would just buy them out, why wouldn't say Carter tell Eva Thorne where she could put her pretty graphs and charts and quit -- heading back to LA with Zoe and to his ex-wife? Especially with Allison marrying his foe?

Just a sad, generally badly written episode.
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