Maximum Stupidity
2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this movie before I just saw it on the shelf. I picked it out because it had Stephen King's name on the cover. After viewing, it is very obvious why I'd never heard of it; it is just pure stupidity. If it was meant to be scary, it failed miserably. If it was meant to be funny, it failed miserably. Whatever genre it was meant to be, I assume it was meant to be entertaining, and therefore, it fails miserably. The story could have been somewhat scary, but any scare factor was overridden by poor effects and just plain uninteresting progression. As with any scary movie there is a great deal of blood and stupid decisions by people to set themselves up for catastrophe.

I never expected any real scientific explanation for why or how the machines came to life. No explanation is needed for a scary movie if it is interesting enough to hold the viewer's attention. This movie is not interesting. I don't think even die-hard bloodshed fanatics or Stephen King worshippers could find enough in this movie to hold their attention.
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