Watch and learn....this is how dictators and tyrants do business!
5 August 2008
I actually gotten the chance to watch the first episode of, "I want to work for diddy" but before the show even started they had a little background on what's it is like at 'Bad boy entertainment' a near multi-million dollar organization that is pretty much has their hands in damn near everything and is CEO is no other than Sean "Diddy" Coombs. Who from its background is a megalomaniac, a hustler, a tyrant, and maybe if possible a sociopath in training which for some all of this can equal good television at its worst.

The purpose is 12 Contestants will try to fight, claw, bleed, and as one of the contestants mentioned, "Kill" for a chance to be Diddy's personal assistant of whom of which after watching the background of how Diddy works...I will feel pretty damn sorry for whoever is his personal assistant. I've been in the military...i've seen and been in worse training than this that no person should ever have to be placed into but out! Diddy is trying having people trying to do tasks with no sleep for 24 hrs...cause if Diddy can't sleep neither will you! This man yells, insults, and drives the contestants (and even his REAL workers) to insanity and beyond just for a chance to be a "personal assistant" and according to the people that DO work for him...they have to give up everything cause its not allowed in his world; Imaging you are signing the contract to be a PR rep for diddy but there's a catch, you have to sell your soul, give up your family your relationships, your LIFE in general just to please him...this is how dictators and tyrants rules countries and this is how men and woman become work slaves.

Now don't get me wrong....for something like this i'm sure its good entertainment and good T.V. But if this is his art imitating life I can't see why these contestants want to put themselves thru it...but yet i'm not in that situation and its pretty funny to see THEM do it and NOT me. The concept is pretty cookie cut straight thru; and in the episodes too come i'm sure things will get from bad to worse as Diddy will try to test his players in more deeper and treacherous training and also the lavish and rich life with a price; Diddy is a man trying to get his hands into everything....and trying to Play God in every means necessary as much as i think this show is trying to be like, "The apprentice" but even Donald trump knows when his contestants had enough and gives them a bit of rest once in a while...Diddy doesn't and for a show like this i will give respect to those players trying to work for him...they have the nerve cause watching this show makes me realize how much i see people downgrade themselves for a person who can't have his way will whine about it...then fire you on the spot!

If this is television at its best....I would like to see television at its worst..

4/10 - A show should be fun at the same time the players should be serious, and determine in what they want...but they all need to have a boss that likes to have fun to....its sad to see a man act like a 'diva' and contestants saying they will kill to work for a man that treats his workers like slaves instead of equals...haven't we got out of that century already!? As much as i want to see where the season goes...i can't sit and watch Diddy acts like a tyrant and i'm not even a big fan of him!
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