The best film I've seen for years!!!
9 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film. In fact if this film was a person I would immediately divorce my husband and marry this film. And I am fairly fond of my husband so that is no small accolade. ;) I watched this alone late at night on a hot dark sticky night and it was as if I was in the other world with the characters.

The plot was tight, it was complicated enough to keep me thinking and working things out, it had surprises, the acting was phenomenal. Keanu Reeves was heart achingly believable. This is what I call a TRUE film, even without knowing it was partly autobiographical by Dicks, the truth and honesty of the performances glowed through.

So ironic considering the film is an animation which is by definition the most illusory of all filmic media. Yet the artists had brought out the emotion and depth of each character so that their pain was something I could feel as I laughed and cried and remained glued to the screen to the very end.

It is decades since I saw a film that I felt sorry when it ended because I wanted to see more, know more and experience more of this world and its people.

I didn't think I would like it because usually I shy away from gritty films with depressing themes and drug abuse is not a subject I have any sympathy for. But I love Sci-Fi with a passion, have a soft spot for anything with Keanu Reeves and adored Blade Runner and am drawn to any film adaptation of any work by Philip K Dicks - so I recorded this and watched it.

After going to bed afterwards and dreaming about the film (that has never happened before to me) I am now going to buy the DVD, the Book and the graphic novel.

There is more to be gleaned from this I think and I intend to explore further.
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