Charmed: Something Wicca This Way Goes (2005)
Season 7, Episode 22
Giving up their lives
9 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Everything indicates that it was meant to be the epilogue of the show : the nostalgic remembrance of spells cast long ago, the feeling of doom, the intervention of the whole magical community, the homage paid to Prue's powers, the renewal of the Power of Three spell... For the Charmed Ones, it's all about remembering who they are (which is rather ironic if you consider the ending). So the humour that was so absent in the previous episode is back, and there is no lack of action either. I love Piper and Phoebe trying to come up with a plan and only finding really stupid ideas... then using the most ridiculous one on Zankou ! By the way, Zankou is a very entertaining demon. He's about to become the ultimate power, but he's worried that he'll get bored ! And he's still doing the Charmed Ones' job for them, even getting rid of that annoying Sheridan.

Soon the sisters are faced with impossible odds as Zankou is on the verge of controlling the Nexus while Homeland Security besieges the manor. So the last part of the episode is very emotional as the Charmed Ones prepare their own demise. The most touching detail is that through it all, their main concern is to keep anybody else from getting hurt. And how great is it that Darryl finally sides with them ? I am very, very sad that this is the last time we see him, and I really don't understand that decision, but I am glad that he got to help -and that he was able to see through the sisters' disguises at once.

Still, there are some elements that don't seem right, mainly the powers and spells that the sisters use. The glamour bothers me because we've never seen a spell that could be turned on and off by snapping one's fingers. I also would like to know WHO made Leo appear at Darryl's hotel in such a strange way. But mostly, what annoys me is the astral projecting. It's a good twist, really it is. But first, I can't believe that Zankou would fall for it twice in a row. Then, it used to be one of PRUE's powers. So it might have passed on to Paige, but why the other two ? Even worse : within a few hours, they are able to astral-project so well that they can use their powers while projecting, something Prue never managed. Even if we consider that they have gotten better with the years, this isn't right, and it is too fast.

So I am very divided concerning this ending. It is good because the story could really finish now and there would be no loose ends. But it is sad to imagine the Charmed Ones hiding forever, deprived of their identities and pasts, cut from everything that they stood for and loved. And the real epilogue is *so* wonderful, it would be a waste not to have it. But the show is waving goodbye to several elements that were part of it. Darryl. The Nexus. The Magical School, which is about to become the new demonic HQ. The opening credits theme, which had become a sort of anthem. For all that I love the show's real end, I feel that, as the title says, Something Wicca has this way gone.
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