Tales from the Darkside: Mookie and Pookie (1984)
Season 1, Episode 5
A computer brings back a deceased voice and begins a talking voice of it's own!
13 August 2008
This "TFTD" episode titled "Mookie and Pookie" really isn't one that's spooky or suspenseful, yet it's more of a fantasy and sci-fi type homage to the computer world. Justine Bateman(of 1980's fame "Family Ties")stars as a teenage girl named Susan with the nickname of "Pookie" and she spends much of her time playing scrabble with the family and she enjoys communicating with her twin brother Kevin(nickname "Mookie"). All of a sudden Kevin dies and to pass the time and grief away Susan becomes a computer geek only she soon discovers this computer system has a voice of it's own as the dead can communicate with her and the family. Also a note classy and legendary Tippi Hedren(mother of sexy actress Melanie Griffith)stars as the mom of the family named Ruth. Really overall not a great episode but still it's carried due to it's star power and sci-fi like homage to computer fantasy technology.
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