Toad Warrior (1996)
A rare real "zero stars" movie
13 August 2008
You know how people often say "even I could make a better movie than this" when they watch one they don't like? They're exaggerating, of course. But in the case of "Toad Warrior", they may actually have a point. Since this "movie" - more accurately, a collection of random images posing as a movie - has no script, no professional camera-work, no professional actors (and those who are professional certainly don't act like it), and absolutely no production values, it gives you the impression that it could have been made by a bunch of college kids on a weekend trip - although if it HAD been, it would probably be more entertaining than this. Yesterday I watched "Rollergator" by the same director (and with some of the same crew): although it was awful as well, it had a certain surreal charm to it. This one has no charm - it is simply a big FU from the director to the audience (and even to the fans of the original "Hell Comes To Frogtown"). If you do decide to watch it, my guess is that you won't last to the end. Any takers?
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