Dinosaur Planet (2003– )
Could of Been Better
18 August 2008
Dinosaur Planet is another attempt of creating a great documentary about dinosaurs. This one is worth checking out, but by no means is up to par with Walking With Dinosaurs.

The Good: Dinosaur Planet has some attractive visuals and even greater CGI models. Most of the dinosaurs look very accurate and beautifully rendered. The soundtrack is also good as well as the HD sound effects. The idea of portraying a story is a very good concept and is something new different, and fresh.

The Bad: Dinosaur Planet suffers from noticeable flaws which stop it form being as great as documentaries like Walking With Dinosaurs. First off the pacing can be slow at times and 45 minutes is too long to spend on one dinosaurs story. Another problem is that the dinosaurs often do very stupid and unbelievable things. There are a few scientific inaccuracies and other minor quirks that are noticeable throughout some of the scenes as well. It also isn't as action-packed as you'd hope.

Alpha's Egg: 7.9/10

Little Das's Hunt: 7.8/10

Pod's Travels: 8.2/10

Whitetips's Journey: 7.9/10

Overall: 8.0/10
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