Review of Antônia

Antônia (2006)
One of the best Brazilian movies I have seen since Central Station
18 August 2008
I was extremely surprised by this movie. The story seemed so real, the talent very well picked, true locations, the situations, everything in this movie is perfect without any exaggeration as many Brazilian movies are such as City of God or Quixote. This movie deserves much more than a 6.6, in my opinion is a 9. It's believable, I am sure it's base in somebody's true life story. Great movie. Must see! If you are looking for great singers, there four amazing singers in this movie. These are real talented singers; girls that should be professionals unlike so many professionals here in the US who cannot actually sing, they make it because of how they are marketed, not because they can sing. In any case, here in the US a movie is considered good based on how much money the movie made, it is not based on how good the movie is; also when you have Stars in a bad movie, still makes money, because the viewers have no clue. It's all about money, nothing else.
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