A crime to make sex look so boring and uninteresting
19 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Been writing reviews here since the first years IMDb went on line (my user name in the 1990's was NO GODS) and it is my hope that this will be the one review that everyone reads -- that this is the review that will change motion picture entertainment because, friends, there needs to be change.

PORNUCOPIA claims to represent the California-based American porn industry. Sadly, the American porn industry is an insult on human sexuality. American porn has done the impossible -- American porn makes sex look boring, uninteresting, and downright unwatchable.

PORNUCOPIA's biggest selling point is that it shows what happens behind-the-scenes as porn videos are made. For example, a naked adult actress is on camera acting out a sex scene and at the same time is seen glancing and peeking off in the distance at something out a view. What hot sexy thing is she looking at? We see that the actress is looking over at the food being put out by the company caterer who is late with lunch. The cast and crew will soon eat. Viewers are informed that the California porn industry provides jobs for thousands of food servers, cooks, carpenters, make-up artists and many other laborers.

Later we see, as a sex scene is in full swing, the PORNUCOPIA documentary camera swings over to the adult film's producer who is holding up a bowl of scallop potatoes from the lunch table. The producer samples it, and then begins to review the high carb side dish for the PORNUCOPIA cameras. What passion-filled times in the American porn world. Yeah, right.

Even without PORNUCOPIA's behind-the-scenes illustrations, it is evident that the men and women in front of American porn cameras really have no interest in sex -- American porn is all just an act -- a very limp act.

The typical American porn movie will have an excellent title -- often a title spoofing a major movie or something from the mainstream. But apart from the title, the rest of the production is an embarrassment to human sexuality. The title might be INVASION OF THE SEXY HIGH SCHOOL TEENAGERS, for example. First, sure as the day is long, every "teenager" in the movie, male or female, will be 35 years old, and we will be lucky if all of the "teenagers" are under 40. Second, every 35+ year old female body is going to be stuffed with painful, unnatural plastic breast implants. Petite actresses will have unnatural dented breasts stuffed with plastic tennis balls, while the big boned older ladies will have unnatural dented breasts stuffed with plastic candle pin bowling balls. Either way, why do breasts that have been stretched so much still have so many dents? And why do chests presumably stuffed with round balls so often end up looking like lumpy sponges?

To be continued...
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