Definitely NOT the next Italian Job - Great PR, very average film
19 August 2008
OK - firstly, why are all the 10* reviews from people with only one review? Secondly, to equate this to the Italian Job (Even the new version!) is a bloody insult.

It is just a basic stick-up job with lots of shouting and screams at the beginning, some ludicrous device about how to get money out of a City of London bank (Sure banks have with some 70 million have no motion detectors...) in the middle, and an OK third part where it all goes wrong.

It is just a mess, too chaotic; no or very little humour or charm, and after the first half-hour I had completely lost interest.

It is seems from the ground up a Let's Make A Lads Film - even down to the obligatory brunette as hostage - and I just ended up feeling that the writers sat around a table and said "Well lads, what would guys like in this?" "Right, football (There isn't any), hardnuts, big haul of cash, mockney accents, and hard attitudes, stupid cops etc;" and originality be damned.

If this is the best crime movie (It's not a heist movie - it's way too blatant to even get near that category) since the Italian Job - then we're all in the deepest poo...

NOT recommended Watch it when it comes on Sky, which it will forever...
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