A mildly interesting feature that is enjoyable
19 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Brotherhood 2: Young Warlocks" is pretty much a solid repeat of the original.


At the exclusive Chandler Academy, John Van Owen, (Sean Faris) gets a pep-talk from history teacher Ms. Stevens, (Jennifer Capo) about his problems with Harlan Ratcliff, (Noah Frank) Randall, (Greg Lyczkowski) and Alex, (Ari Welkom) members of the rich kids clique on campus. When he and his friends Matt Slayton, (Justin Allen) and Marcus Ratner, (C.J. Thomason) meet up with newcomer Luc, (Forrest Cochran) and after he is able to save them, they decide to take him up on his offer to give them whatever they want in exchange for their obedience to him. As they start to enjoy their newfound popularity, they start to suspect something is wrong when he demands a sacrifice of them, he discovers that he is really a powerful warlock out to destroy those who cross his plans and races to stop his newest ones involving his friends.

The Good News: There was some good stuff in this one when it counted on it. There's a really great ability of the film to be able to make sure that the guys in this film are presented more in a sexual light than the women are. There's plenty of useless, throwaway scenes of the men in here running around topless or in their underwear, which is usually the type of tactic that is reserved for women in these films, and there's some good stuff to go around for this. The fact that this one has them even strip off for a nude shower together, although nothing is seen but the general idea of it is still pretty much in keeping with this general tone. There's also the fact that the film's twist manages to make the mystery about what's happening feel really good and worrisome, which is normally one way or the other. Here, it takes a while to finally catch on, which results in many instances of there being something really weird happening that doesn't have much sense for it. The unusual amount of time that this uses for these methods is really good, making them more important than they really are and has some really nice tactics to do so. There's also the film's really fun climax, which is really great. There's a fun, energetic and gory brawl with the guys, the perfect resolution to the mysteries and a great feeling of excitement when it's all going on. The lead-up to it feels really great, with it's confrontations that are pretty nice, and when mixed with the lone bit of gore in here, it's one of the best things about the film along with the film's lone sex scene. It's a little erotic and feels really well-done, as it feels like a straight one but still fits in here, making it fun and enjoyable. That alone sums up the film as a whole with these positive points.

The Bad News: This one did have a few problems with it. The main one is that there's very little action in this one. Most of the film has them running around the campus talking about what's going on with them and why they want him in the club, which makes for a boring beginning that doesn't have a whole lot worthwhile about it. The fact that there's a ton of scenes that also go on a lot longer than they should've makes for this being another factor about that. The midnight swim in the pool is really long, as is a later scene where the guys are sitting around a pentagram psyching themselves up to go after the guilty ones, which lasts for a near-eternity, all help make this one a little more harder to get through in these parts. There's also the film's almost complete-dryness that the film exhibits. The couple kills in here are really dry, which is something that needs to be overcome. It needed a little more blood in this to be able to showcase how brutal they were, which is another factor as they needed to be bunched up a little as well. The last flaw to this is the uncomfortableness some might have with the film's frank portrayal of men as sexual objects. Rather than doing this for women, it does the same tactic for men, and because it's so different than the norm, it can be something that is new and a little off-putting for some, even though it's not a complete detriment and doesn't hurt the film at all like the others do. Overall, these are pretty much the same ones as the first one.

The Final Verdict: A pretty much carbon-copy of the first one with pretty much the exact same problems that it had, which is pretty much a conundrum. Give it a shot if you're into the general style or are in the mood for a more homosexual experience, while those who can't get around that factor are urged to seek caution.

Rated R: Violence, Language and a mild sex scene
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