Where frailty ends this movie begins
22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you loved the movie "Frailty" and wanted more, well here it is. If you loved the concept of a crazed ax-murdering serial killer, killing other serial killers that are actually demons/ghouls. The problem is how do you turn this into an hour long TV show or a sequel. Well these guys found a way. You don't! you don't explain the passed you just go forward with you take on the concept.

The movie starts off with a documentary on the aftermath of a small-town that was plagued by two serial killers. Interviews with the victim's family, the bungling police, co-workers of the suspect, and man on the street interviews. They even interviewed the high-school coach as he belittled a fat kid about his man-boobs. they interview the killers passed and interview his mom this is the comedy. They get down to business about how the killers pick their targets, and the show-down with the FBI "Demon Hunter".

Best scene: the opening credits of the tied and bound victim trying to escape the serial killer.
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