This proves something else
22 August 2008
I think all "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" really proves is how many worthless facts they make you memorize in the school system, only to have you forget it shortly after unless you have an interest in the subjects. Because, otherwise there is really no true use for it.

It would be one thing if these people couldn't answer questions from something like 5th Grade math. Because math skills are concepts that you add to through education, and use throughout your entire life. But, most of the questions in this show are made up from specific historic moments and the government. Things most people aren't going to remember, unless they have their own interest in these subjects.

I also agree with the other people who said that the show was slow, they delay answers, and Foxworthy babbles too much.

This show certainly did not deserve all the hype it got.
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