I.O.U.S.A. (2008)
Must see For All Ages
24 August 2008
This movie is not for policy wonks, economists, or accountants. It's for citizens of the United States - Highly Patriotic citizens who want to preserve their country.

It spells out in superb graphics what we're up against financially. The film has a great pace, lots of color, and combines all sorts of mediums to make an excellent presentation of the information.

The message is dark, but brutally honest. And there is yet hope, so I encourage you to see the movie to find out what it is.

I am absolutely convinced if the electorate saw and understood these issues, we would be willing to make the hard choices quite gladly, and reward politicians who were clear, transparent and honest, and send packing those who's egos and greed keep them in Washington.

What ever happened to civil service as a moral ideal?
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