Mr. Accident (2000)
YAHOOO-OOO!!!! (Sing the search engine jingle)
28 August 2008
Well after watching this movie, i think i should change my name to Want-an-egg. Okay bad joke. But on a whole, i thought this movie was very funny. I loved Yahoo's little childish innocent grin, plus it was nice not to hear an American accent (no offense), but a fair dinkum (now you know where i live) Aussie accent. Plus his hair, Yahoo, never go to the barbers!! I should also mention that i hadn't heard about Yahoo about a week or so ago, my elder brother watched "Young Einstein" in physics, he told mum, then we found Mr. Accident for a dollar and bought it. The fact that we were almost rolling on the ground laughing during the intro credits, meant that i would probably like this movie. My favourite scene was actually the one where he pulls apart his typewriter with his (okay lets see if i can remember) "Obsessive Compulsive Dismantling Fixation" Think that's correct. Anyway my elder brother (who does physics) i swear he has the same fixation. Though i don't think FIXation should be a good word to use in this case.

But anyway, if you don't like eggs, aliens, rubbish bins and all round craziness, then this movie isn't for you. But if you do, i recommend this movie for a laugh.
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