One thumb up, one thumb down, and where the hell is Jackie?
2 September 2008
I know this is a Sammo Hung film, and in some ways Sammo Hung's films are superior to Jackie Chan's films. The problem with this film is that if you're not into the slightly over-the-top, Carry-On-esquire lecherous comedy, you'll probably ending up skipping forward to the fight scenes.

The film does not follow Jackie in the same way that it would were it a Jackie Chan film. Chan is given just as much screen time as all of the Lucky Stars.

Many of the gags are sight gags that are easy to understand, if somewhat immature for most tastes, but there are some jokes that lose a lot in translation.

The fighting, when there is any, is either incredible, when being displayed by Sammo, Jackie, or the one scene with Juen Biao, or comedic and unnecessary when we watch the Lucky Stars in combat.

The three brothers (Sammo, Jackie and Yuen) fight incredibly, in a fast, entertaining and more realistic manner than Jackie and Sammo's films of the seventies. The only problem is that the fights are few and far-between. The fact that Yuen Biao is only on screen for a couple of minutes adds insult to injury and leaves you wanting more.

Overall, you might enjoy this film, if you're into the kind of comedy that this film clearly aims to produce. The acting is slightly exaggerated, and there isn't enough fighting, or enough of Jackie or Yuen Biao for my tastes. There are funnier Chan and Hung films out there, and there are better comedies and better fights - even better Lucky Stars movies. All in all this, by their high standards, is a rather average film.
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