Amazing.... now I'm going to go and watch it again
13 September 2008
So, this morning I watched the first episode of Wolverine and the Xmen. I was like, alright, Xmen Evoltuion was cool, I'll give this a shot. Now, let me tell you, I am a huge comic book fan. But in a cool way. A way that attracts women, you know? Anyways, so I watched the first episode, and I thought it was pretty good. I liked the plot of it, but it wasn't enough to completely grab my attention. I just watched the second episode. WOW. AMAZING. If you watched the first and thought it was alright, WATCH THE SECOND. Something about seeing all of those familiar faces and the forming of the Xmen / Brotherhood just grabbed me and whipped my face against the wall and said "This is awesome". Once the complete first season comes out (if they break it apart like evolution by the way, I might actually run into a wall over and over again) I might break all contact with the world for a week, and bring my laptop into some vast, abandoned forest or something and just replay it over and over again. Stay off the grids, you know?
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