Review of Emma

Emma (1972)
Excellent Emma!
16 September 2008
This delightful offering was made in 1972 - right in the middle of what plenty of people remember as a golden age for Classic Drama on telly. This adaptation of EMMA is no exception. It's one of the finest pieces of work of its kind. Yes, it's studio-based - but it's none the worse for that. For a start, the sound is better! Please remember that television drama was described at the time as 'electronic theatre, not poor man's cinema'. Technical resources have changed in 30 years, but think of the resources on offer here: stunning costume, well-designed and beautifully lit sets, superb actors who not only look but sound good, delicious writing that captures so well the essence of this lovely book - I'd rather see this a dozen times than an overpolished piece of slick location filming where all you end up with is pretty pictures of a supposedly 'all star cast'. The problem for some people of course is the fact that the series is six whole episodes that are allowed to breathe - it's given time to develop. Be glad. Take the Woodhouses and the Knightlys and the Bateses and the Westons to your family bosom and let them take root and grow. There isn't a dull moment in this little gem.
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