Documentary movie about famous battle and well recreated by re-enactors
17 September 2008
The biggest battle of the war and the bloodiest in US history is realistically staged by more than 3.000 Civil War re-enactors with exquisite attention to period detail.Marking the second time the Gettysburg battle has been committed to movie for the lure of the big screen and one of the first times a picture crew has been allowed to shoot battle scenes on the Gettysburg National Military Park battlefield and well proceeded by the re-enactors. Filmed during the commemoration of the 140 anniversary by Robert Child who also written and produced, he made a similar movie , titled 'Lincoln and Lee : Antetam'. Greatest film are the images about a soldier singing a wonderful song against the sunset while another soldiers encounter around campaign tents.The story is grand in its depiction of the battles it covers but suffers for overlong narration from off-voice , the fundamental problem is that the dialogue is lifeless and stilted which handcuffs a very big documentary production. Historic characters are raised to icon status, showing none of the feeling performances would've made them interesting and for that reason is quite boring and dull. This documentary picture obtained various prizes such as winner Golden Telly Awards and Crystal Award for historic documentary communicator. The best versions about these known events are'Gods and Generals(2003) and Gettysburg(1993) produced by Ted Turner and well directed by Ronald F Maxwell.

Adding more details over the widely depicted on the movie, the events were the following : Gettysburg was the high point of the Confederacy, it was the farthest intrusion into Union territory ever made, but General Robert E Lee's failure to secure a decisive victory condemned the Confederacy to a prolonged struggle in which its forces were unable to regain the strategic initiative. Lee with a force of 72.00 troops, decided to advance north into Union, his army was starving and needed to operate in an unravaged area which could provide food, and such an advance would draw the Union forces away from the South to protect Washindton. Lee sent General Jeb Stuart's cavalry to the east to act as scouts. Unfortunately Stuart set off to find a Union force so he could perform some feat of arms to compensate for a near-defeat the suffered some days previously. Later a Union cavalry patrol discovered the Confederacy army and the Union Army under General George Meade began moving his 82.000 strong army toward Gettysburg. The two forces met close to the town and fighting broke out more and less immediately: as units of both sides appeared on the scene they were fed into positions and joined the battle. The union forces eventually passed through the town and took up a strong position.Lee ordered General Richard Ewell's corps to attack it if practicable but Ewell lost his nerve and never attacked. Lee moved his troops on to Seminary ridge, across the valley, and ordered and attacked the following morning. Confederate General James Longstreet suggested simply outflanking Meade but Lee dismissed the idea. By the time Lee got him moving once more the Union lines had moved so that Longstreet's corps was outflanked, but even knowing this , Longstreet continued his advance according to Lee's original plan, turning the attack into a turmoil.Ammunition began to run low, and Pickett waiting with his division to make a frontal attack when Ewell and Longstreet had done their part, was warned that unless he made his assault now, there would be no covering fire available. Between 2 and 4 July 1863, 50.000 Americans were killed at the battle of Gettysburg, more than have died any other battle in the story of US.It became the most famous battle of the Civil War, though neither side had planned to fight at Gettysburg. A Confederate foraging party entered the town on 1 July 1963 and was surprised to meet units of Union Cavalry and so began the three days battle. Confederate troops move up up toward the place , the were outnumbered by two to one. The worst day was 3 Juli, that afternoon at about 2 p.m. 15.000 confederate troops under General George Pickett emerged from the woods west of Cemetery Ridge, the flash-point of the battle, and began their suicidal advance through the wheat-fields.The attack failed and only half of Picket's troops returned. This was slaughter on an unprecedented scale, a bitter foretaste of what was to come in the WWI. Seeing the carnage, Lee muttered 'All this has been my fault'.
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