B-u-r-y me...b-u-r-y me..!
25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ordinary, another take on 'Frankenstein' with dismembered body parts being given a new lease of 'life', this film remains ensconced in my head, (If you'll pardon the saying) since I last saw it about thirty years ago (not sure it's been repeated here in the UK or out on video/DVD).

Disgustingly yet sort of delightfully so, horrible with Elsa's exposed brain and chopped off head, the last line in the film - my title above, gave me nightmares at twelve when I last saw it. A true kitsch horror flick that just has to be seen. It's not totally a turkey even if it sort of looks that way. Dana Andrews at the end of his career, still puts in a good performance helping neo-Nazis produce a new kind of 'master-race' with telepathic waves from his niece's chum's (Elsa's) chopped off bonce. she looks amazingly under-nourished and decomposed to boot, to add to the horror, whispering (yes, no vocal chords, or at least they couldn't be ably connected) and lots of nice tubes connected to her only remaining body part. She uses her telekinesis or telepathy whatever, to kill those who brought her condition to a head (sorry, couldn't resist!!!)

However, just for that line, in my title, which is the end line of the film, uttered by her good self, I'd like to see it again. Nostalgia and nothing more! (And to see if it still seems as disgusting as I remember it!) * Since this review, I found it on Youtube, in nauseating low-key colour to add to the kitschness of it! Check it out!
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