Shemp Howard solo short about the law and the lawless.
28 September 2008
PLOT: Shemp Howard, doing business this time far away from his Stooge brethren, plays a process server who's been sent to serve papers to a tough gangster -- who naturally falls head over (high) heels with him when he disguises himself in women's clothing.

Shemp's turn in drag is worth the price of admission for this "solo short" which otherwise is an average, passable comedy two-reeler. His attempt to walk gracefully in high heels is about as successful as a paraplegic trying to use a set of rubber crutches.

(I watched this as part of an all-Shemp VHS compilation from Movies Unlimited which they appear to have discontinued selling. It also included the shorts "His First Flame", "Here Comes Flossie", and the baseball comedy "Dizzy & Daffy" with the Dean brothers. "Serves You Right" was the funniest of the four, which isn't necessarily saying much about the other three.)

  • mnw
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