30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
anagramm14 from Switzerland writes: "and there isn't a single phone call in the plot". – Well, actually there is a phone call, when Henschke, the bar keep, calls Cilly, who has gone uptown to the West, to inform her that Franz is back from the hospital.

However, there is another observation to be made. Throughout the film You see – among the advertisements in general – beer advertisement for only one Berlin brewery: Berliner Kindl. It is remarkable in so far, as another brewery, Schultheiss, at that time one of the largest brewing companies worldwide, and located in Berlin, is completely absent from the images, which cannot possibly have happened by chance. Even today You cannot walk the street of Berlin for more than five minutes without passing a Schultheiss-sign.

Another Berlin film of the same year (1931) which features extensive footage of the contemporary Berlin, Emil und die Detektive (Emil and the Detectives), shows also only Berliner Kindl beer ads, a fact that leads me to the theory, that Berliner Kindl had effectively placed their logo in important films of the time and saw to it, that their number one competitor, Schultheiss, was not visible.
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