Very Good Documentary
1 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent documentary on the JFK Assassination and one of the key players in the years that followed. What I found most interesting about the Jim Garrison Tapes is that we were, for once, allowed to hear Garrison speak for himself. In most of the documentaries, we are told what to think about Garrison and he is given only cursory time (mostly unflattering sound bites). At least in this particular documentary, we viewers are allowed to listen to him and see for ourselves whether or not he was really a crusader or a mad man.

I found the Garrison Tapes to be worthwhile for two other reasons as well. First, one finds a great deal of footage on the assassination not found anywhere else, and second, we are able to see the costs of obsession on a key player. I was most moved by the final few minutes of the documentary when we were able to hear from Garrison's children and from Big Jim as well about how the assassination and his subsequent investigation affected their lives. Very touching.
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