Another nasty from Ittenbach
2 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to understand why people keep complaining about his works. They all follow a similar pattern. We get some pretense to story, and that all alludes to the eventual gore. Nothing wrong there, he is after a F/X guy at heart.

Yet I keep hearing how little gore there is in this film, when it is in fact quite bloody.

Take for instance this little clip from the film (WARNING, SPOILER for those that have not seen the film)- http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g166/porknotbacon/gard4.gif

It's a head explosion that rivals Maniac, Scanners, and The Prowler! And it is but one scene in a movie geared to F/X. Not a particularly gripping film. Yet it's not boring, and most certainly it has plenty of grue for the fans of splatter films.
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