The Trespasser (1981 TV Movie)
spellbounding "Zauberland" of a masterpiece
3 October 2008
Done for television, with almost no production values at all to speak of, seemingly done on a shoe-string budget, this little shines more intensively then any other romantic film. This is longing beyond longing: At night in the garden in moon-light the lovers Sigmund and Helena meed in their doomed love, sharing, for a brief moment, their "Zauberland" and we know how they feel for we have all been their in our longing and just like them we have been unable to make that moment stay with us, we, the poor and we, the competitors in a race for more and more, getting less and less. We, the exploited by the very few ridiculously rich, who hate mankind and rules it for the present. What wasted lives we live, so far away from "Zauberland".
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