Gitler kaput! (2008)
Encyclopedia of Russian pop-culture
4 October 2008
Looking for Western analogies to "Gitler Kaput!" won't lead you further than to the latest silly parodies of "Meet the Spartans" sort. But in this case a parody ("Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny" (1973)) is just a skeleton, and the meat is Russian pop-culture, pop-music, popular jokes, all sorts of silly internet memes. So you don't have to be a cinephile to enjoy this movie like you do in Hollywood parodies' case. Just watch and listen like you do in circus. Busty beauties, special effects, acrobats in nazi uniform but incoherent in each and every detail - sorry if it's not your cup of tea. Don't expect too much from a trash comedy, which is a pretty new genre in Russia. One can only wonder if it matures in the years to come.
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