This movie has Annie Belle going for it
7 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Like a previous reviewer has said, this erotic movie has all its bases covered -- another way to put it is that this movie leaves no cliché out.

In the beginning, some grampa picks up his "daughter" from a Swiss finishing school. In what I sadly consider to be the best and most erotic scene of the movie, she then changes from her school costume into something more salacious in the back of her sugardaddy's Rolls, while a very happy cyclist follows the car and tries to cop an eyeful of the action. We all do.

Then they're off to do some skiing, where Annie Belle suddenly sports her signature platinum pageboy haircut, and then inevitably on to Hongkong. There it is revealed to our amazement that Annie hasn't yet popped her cherry, and then her sugardaddy is imprisoned for money laundering or something.

Annie then goes to live with the usual flock of libertines, including her real-life boyfriend Al Cliver, at the usual château. You know the drill. There is the standard lesbian affair with a more mature woman, and of course plenty of rape scenes, which were considered to be the pièce de résistance of any erotic movie in the 1970ies. Back then, women couldn't fully explore their sexuality without being raped once of twice; they would lounge around and complain that, sure, they'd been there and done that, but without having been subjected to the occasional traumatising experience of forced sexual intercourse with a gang of sadistic lowlifes, it all seemed rather insipid to them. Don't ask me what the rest of the story is about though, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

To sum it up, even the enormously talented Annie Belle couldn't save this Emmanuelle-ripoff from its nonexistent plot. The strange relationship between Annie and her sponsor goes unexplained, it merely serves as an excuse for Annie to go through the motions of the regular "exploring her sexuality" schtick.

Worse movies may have been made, but I just didn't enjoy it.
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