Neighbours: Episode #1.5501 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5,501
"If Rachel thinks that we're both psychos, then don't blame me!"
10 October 2008
So, there's a third run for the Angus plot line as he and Rachel re-establish contact at last.This affects several characters peripheral to the plot line, as Rachel begins to form a new friendship group with Bridget and Donna.Zeke finally seems to be accepting that other people have different points of view to him-although he violently disagrees with some of Rachel's choices, ultimately he seems to respect at least some of them.

After their spat last episode, we are treated to a full-on bitch fight between Steph and Libby.Nice line in home truths, which no doubt they'll end up apologising for in a later episode.Interesting, too, to see Toadie using Nicola as a smokescreen in order to keep Steph at arms length.

There's an awful lot of elements here that seem to exist purely for aesthetic reasons, such as a couple of nice montages, Dan, Toadie and Oliver's macho gym session and the underused Sienna being given reaction shots to a storyline that doesn't even involve her.But it all pulls together well, making this one of the better recent episodes.
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