Wild Blood (2008)
A lumbering turgid melodrama
12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What a pity to see Inspector Montalbano wasting his talent in this period soap. The viewer endures endless soft porn images of middle aged Monica Bellucci - whose acting explores the gamut of facial expressions from "concerned about what's going to happen next" to "very concerned about what's going to happen next". Luca Zingaretti gives a one dimensional performance as the drug addicted love interest and various other actors come and go in a confused melange of flashback, fast forward and present time - all spinning like vapid moons in Bellucci's bosomy orbit. As for the plot - the less said the better. The movie revolves around the not-so-vexing question of whether the lovers will be killed by revengeful partisans - less plot device than mercy killing. Save your money and watch grass growing for 148 minutes - you'll have more fun with the grass.
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