what were they thinking!!! ***spoilers**
15 October 2008
i can't believe i'm doing this. this film sucks! i'm a BIG Lucas fan and Indy fan but, Lucas has GOT to stop making films for the hell of it. he's got enough money to retire on - please do! so many things were wrong with it that even my 13 year old was bored.

first, the editing between Harrison ford and his double was bad. you could tell it wasn't ford. (and we all know but in the other movies, the editing was seamless comparatively) the stunt man would do the fall and you could see ford "pop" up from his mark but the flow was off. secondly, a son gets introduced and he's so nonplussed about it. what the hell? that was placed as a plot mover but all it did was confuse the viewer for a minute. third, the refrigerator scene. not even plausible with suspension of disbelief. fourth, we already have reservations about the Russians. (especially w/ the Georgia thing happening) do we really need to re-start the better dead than red routine? we already have someone to be adverse with let's not add to the list of people who hate us.

finally, the straw - aliens?!?!? seriously?!?!?! ID and the -enter whatever here was always about faith and the spirit. raiders it was the ark of the covenant, the last crusade was the grail, even the Sankara stones were of religious importance in temple (which has been replaced as the worst Indy film ever)

there were a bunch of "nods" to other Indy/Lucas/Spielberg films through out this one but even that didn't entertain me.
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