Trashy slasher fun from Jim Wynorski.
15 October 2008
A group of young women (played by five untalented, but big-breasted B-movie actresses who are obviously too old for their roles) move into their recently acquired sorority house. After slipping into their smallest items of lingerie, the girls unwisely decide to spend their first night in their new home dabbling with a Ouija board, calling up the spirit of a murderer who massacred his family in the very same house several years before. Sometimes, people in horror films just deserve to get killed...

Director Jim Wynorski, a man not exactly renowned for his high-brow movie making, ladles on the cheese in this deliberately campy sequel to Sorority House Massacre, which forgoes genuine scares in favour of a tongue-in-cheek approach. Cheap, cheerful, and totally devoid of logic, Wynorski's film is never intended to be anything other than trashy fun, and, in that, I suppose it succeeds: viewers are offered a couple of prolonged shower scenes, a creepy weirdo who may or may not also be a killer, two useless detectives whose only purpose is to make possible a scene in a pole dancing joint (which briefly features deceased porn star Savannah as a stripper), flashbacks to a totally unconnected movie (The Slumber Party Massacre), and several unconvincing death scenes complete with hokey gore.

Lacking any decent acting and direction, or any semblance of originality, Sorority House Massacre 2 is the kind of film best watched after a few beers have numbed the senses slightly and one's tolerance for puerile garbage is slightly higher than usual.
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