Intreresting twist on a typical sequel
17 October 2008
Even though I liked the film, I can see why Pulse 2 got slammed by a lot of horror reviewers. OK, it's more of a drama than a horror film. And the ghosts aren't all that scary. But there's more going on here than just your average ghoul chase. You have real people with real flaws and yearnings that go beyond life and death. There's a reason why you feel an odd disconnect with this film -- largely due to the unorthodox use of green screen -- but the technique succeeds for that very reason. You feel out of place, just like the dead and dying. Admittedly, the green screen style works less well when dealing with "normal" situations and settings like the cabin retreat. Then it comes off as mildly irritating. And another complaint is that the guy in the red suit is a character that doesn't pay off, at least not, I guess, until the next sequel. But all in all, I found this film most rewarding in ways horror films are not meant to be. Which means you can like it or hate it for the very same reasons. I'll stick it in the plus column. Watch it without expectations.
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