Batman just got really modern
18 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was the most hyped movie of the year and probably one of the most hyped movies ever. Even with the overhype I had to see Heath Ledger play the joker because the trailers looked awesome. So I finally paid my ticket and watched the movie.

The movie starts off really strong, the opening scene was an absolute blast (literally). From that point on though I didn't feel the same action. The rest of the movie just seemed, drawn out and completely over the top. Honestly where did the joker find a rocket launcher in Gotham City? This movie was just too long and much of the dialogue was something that a kid writes in senior creative writing and thinks it's brilliant. Also the director did an excellent job of warping the joker from one place to the next, the joker must have had a helicopter or a really loyal taxi driver. One second he's here and the next he's on top of that building. Probably the last straw was when Morgan Freeman showed up. He turns around and the camera is at a low angle as if to show the arrival of Morgan Freeman the ultimate modern narrator who is now in every movie, an older version of Samuel L Jackson who is soft spoken. They kind of made up for it when Debo from Friday showed up as the scary convict on the boat.

After sitting in my seat for two and half hours as characters appeared and disappeared the movie finally ended, and it ended in a very cliché way. Way to say the title of the movie as the last word in the film, thats never been done ever?

and The Dark Knight had to include the bain of every modern movie, being able to track people's cell phone calls. This little gimmick is in way too many movie these days.

so ya I sat there for two and a half house and my butt really hurt, I wasted ten dollars on a cool movie, but one that wasn't as good as people claimed. Maybe next time Christian Bale will take some cough drops before showing up on set.
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