when Hollywood goes awry
19 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Blue Butterfly is 'inspired by a true story.' The true story involves a young boy apparently ill with terminal cancer, who goes to the South American jungle with a renowned entomologist in search of a blue butterfly. When they return, the boy's cancer has disappeared.

The facts of the true story are dramatic and emotional moving. There is no need to embroider them. But that is just what the filmmakers do.

I'm guessing, but my feeling is that what we see in the movie that is not in the original story is: (1) The scientist did not have a long-lost daughter (2) There was no romantic connection between the boy's Mum and the scientist (2) No little villager girl actually connected with the boy, or caught the blue butterfly (4) The scientist did not fall down a hole, forcing the boy to make his own way through the jungle.

A boy goes to the jungle and comes back cured of cancer - but the story is deemed not 'dramatic' enough by the idiots who pose as story experts in Hollywood. This film is a schmaltzy, overblown insult to the intelligence. Great stories are not about ticking off the boxes in some script reader's manual. There is a genuine, uplifting tale buried in this film, that somehow got lost as each executive decided to burp out a script note after lunch. The end result is an unedifying, distasteful meringue of a film. I was insulted.
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