The word "amateurish" comes to mind.
18 October 2008
Hmm, let's see: one of the main characters doesn't know the meaning of the word "fiction", although she went through college and masters concepts like genetic mutation. Another character is cultured enough to have a Gustav Klimt poster on his wall, though he is ignorant to the point of throwing a beer can in a water fall inside his own estate during one of the innumerable scenes and dialogues that don't have any connection to the plot. Does the director, producers and writer really think these characters are believable? Actor's maneirisms are the same as seen on TV soap operas. Local extras that made into some of the scenes were certainly added to give a "southern feel" to the movie, but they generally sit still like mummies and never utter a word.

Fortunately, for non Brazilian viewers many of the weakest points in this film will remain unnoticed (like the fake southern accents), that is, if this film is ever going to be watched outside Brazil.

I am giving it five stars since the movie made an attempt at straying the focus from the tiresome working class approaches that are predominant in Brazilian movies, but "Saneamento Básico" still falls short on several other aspects. Try again.
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