Review of Mind's Eye

The X-Files: Mind's Eye (1998)
Season 5, Episode 16
Well, you're lucky he wasn't a fan of the Ice Capades.
20 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely an interesting episode although I won't say it is a personal favorite. It was actually nominated for a couple of Emmy's the year it was run even though I've heard a number of people say they really didn't like it. I thought the story was pretty interesting and, although the blind lady was kind of annoying at times, she was an interesting enough character to where there was actually some closure to the episode which is pretty rare when it comes to this show.

The story is about a woman who is blind from birth yet she is caught at a murder scene with the murder weapon. Mulder and Scully are called in to try and help prove that she is in some way capable of having committed the crime. "Some kind of sixth sense that lets her see in the dark like a bat," says the detective. However, Mulder is led to believe that while she does have some strange phenomenon allowing her to see through her mind's eye, she is not the killer. Even after she confesses to the crime and is sent to prison, Mulder gets her out and they work together to catch the real killer, whose eyes she is seeing through. Unfortunately, she gives them false information in order to lure the murderer to her home so she can kill him and she ends up going to jail. The ending is sort of nice where Mulder comes to visit her and she talks about how all she can see now is the beach and Mulder tells her she's lucky that the killer wasn't a fan of the Ice Capades (not the first anti-Ice Capades joke we've heard from Mulder). I give the episode an 8 out of 10.
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