Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Hidden Thing (1956)
Season 1, Episode 34
It's All in His Head
23 October 2008
This is an interesting episode at first, but it starts to fizzle. I actually had a better ending where the man is actually the killer of the older man's son. They chose to use their own ending, so I guess there's not much of a chance of their changing the ending. This is about a fellow who is in love with a woman. One night, as they stop for a hamburger, she goes back to the car and is struck and killed by a hit and run driver. This causes great pain to the fellow. One day, an older man shows up and asks to help him raise memories from his subconscious through a kind of hypnotism. He is incredibly persistent. They are trying to dredge up the license plate number of the offending vehicle. Something is wrong because a law officer sits in wait. I know that this show is frustrating for some people because we often have to provide our own conclusions. Nevertheless, I believe this episode is quite weak because motivations and actions are not explained. Without motivations, action becomes random. With randomness, the viewer is left in the dark. This could have been quite good.
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