Angel: Waiting in the Wings (2002)
Season 3, Episode 13
Bad choices
23 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst episodes in the entire series. Fred kissing Gunn instead of Wes made me want to vomit. Lest we not remember that it was because of Gunn's old gang that Fred was in mortal danger in That Old Gang Of Mine. Was it not Gunn who didn't tell Wes & Angel that he knew it was his old crew killing random demons? Was it not Wesley who held Fred's hand, comforted and protected her during the situation at Caritas? Wes & Fred were so perfect for each other from the beginning. They always made more sense as a couple. Even Cordelia thought the same thing. What in the hell made Gunn seem so different from that episode to where he was all of the sudden a nice guy? I think the only reason the writers did this was because Amy Acker was sharing a trailer with J. August Richards during her first season. Why not let her be the on-screen love interest of the guy she was rooming with in real life? I guess it proved that some women really don't have good taste.
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