Different from the previous Incarnations but still GREAT watching!
25 October 2008
This isn't the same old rehashed Peter Parker/Spiderman mythology that fans can recite by heart. It's original, witty, and definitely creative in its execution that still keeps the spirit of everything we know and love about Spiderman. Remember, just as Marvel Comics released Amazing Spiderman, Spectacular Spiderman, & a host of other Spiderman spin offs that each maintained their own plot lines this show does just the same thing.

In this the Spectacular Spiderman, the writers have successfully taken the main characters in Peter Parker's life and updated them with 2008 lifestyles and diverse cultures and issues. Most important, they've mixed GREAT action sequences with outstanding writing and characterization. In addition, the voice actors and storyboarding are all top notch that I can only hope to see continue for several more seasons.

Shows like this one and Avatar just remind me that great animation is still fun to watch no matter what age or what generation you may be.

Respectfully, Carter p.s. look up Bob Carter & know that I speak from some experience in this area.
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