Let it Rain (2008)
"We don't see France in the same way..."
28 October 2008
Having been a huge fan of Jaoui and Bacri's films for many years, I have to admit I approach each one with a vague sense of trepidation in case they mess things up. I wasn't overly enamoured with their last film, Comme Une Image, as I felt Bacri's standard hapless-and-frustrated-but-ultimately-lovable character had become plain nasty and cruel. This time, I think they got it spot on all round. What I love about their films is that you can watch them again and again, taking something new from them with each viewing. Focusing on the minutiae of life whilst using delicate brush strokes to highlight the intricacies of human relationships via gentle but hilarious comedy is what they do best, and I found this film frequently hilarious. The actors are all superb, and the various characters give such a seemingly mundane story a depth not many films achieve, as French political life and its future are examined with a delicate touch by Jaoui, who credits her audience with much intelligence. The sight of an ambitious feminist politician leading a white middle-class man, a young French Arab and a flock of sheep down a hill, before the group get lost and are rescued by a pair of farmers, struck a chord with me, as did the relationship between Karim's mother and the bourgeois family for whom she works without being paid. There were some question marks, such as Karim's seemingly invisible wife he seemingly wants to cheat on when she herself appears affable and friendly, but overall it's a thought-provoking, entertaining and downright funny film.
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