Review of Succession

30 Rock: Succession (2008)
Season 2, Episode 13
"Which of my hobbies should I indulge first... video games or pornography?"
29 October 2008
With only two episodes after this to end the season, 30 Rock does its best to make sure it will be a memorable conclusion. And damn it, it succeeds, throwing in comas, conspiracies and the always welcome Dr. Spaceman.

Picking up from the second episode of the season, the subplot concerning Don Geiss's successor comes to a head when the old man, presumably aware of Devon Banks' scheming (the young sleaze-bag got engaged to his daughter to secure the job), tells Jack the position is his. While the official announcement has yet to be made, Jack promptly names Liz as his replacement, while she tries to keep Devon from pulling any dirty tricks. An unnecessary effort, since Geiss ends up in a coma before he can make the transition official and Banks uses the accident to screw Jack big time. Additionally, Tracy decides that the best way to make his son proud of him is to create a porn video game, a task that he accomplishes in a single day, whereas a jealous Frank spent years trying to do the same thing.

The video game gag is proof of the fact that no subject is too sacred on this show (although it's unlikely even an HBO program would show the actual game on-screen), not to mention a perfect excuse for Tracy Morgan and Judah Friedlander to get at each other to good effect. Furthermore, Will Arnett's third appearance as Banks is just as good as any episode of his much loved show Arrested Development, complemented by Chris Parnell's demented Dr. Spaceman, who could easily have come from AD as well. It can't get much better than this.
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