South Park: Chinpokomon (1999)
Season 3, Episode 11
Spoofing the Pokémon craze!
31 October 2008
Back in 1999 when this episode came out, Pokemon was a very big fad.I was in second grade when Pokemon became popular and I was hopping on the bandwagon, watching the show and buying the trading cards etc.Looking back now, the show sucked! But I really enjoyed it as a kid.I find that this episode captures the craze very well.The South Park boys are at a young age and are captivated by a new toy from Japan called "Chinpokomon".The kids go crazy for it and buy every new thing related to it that comes out.Then there is Kyle who keeps buying the new thing, only to find that another thing has become more popular in one week(true to life or what).A store owner finds out that the Chinpokomon has hidden messages and is trying to lead American kids to destroy America! Chinpokomon is a wild, realistic and good episode!
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