The most sophisticated film i've seen in years!
2 November 2008
I was quite wondering about the good comments on this movie. I thought "Come on, you're kidding me. How can a "My Little Pony" flick be outstanding?!" How wrong i was... Right from the beginning, with a breath taking intro, you can't refuse this astonishing work of art. "My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade" glorious succeed the gap between child-movie and high-minded piece for adults. It's like "The Matrix" and "Citizen Kane" together: So many levels, you can't touch just by first time watching. In the end, i almost cried my eyes out of tears, the most bittersweet end since "Life Is Beautiful". Don't let you misguide by the - i admit - kitschy cover. It's so much more...you can't even compare it with the movies from Studio Ghibli. Masterpiece!
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