Kids make the world goes round .. Upside Dwon !
3 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode starts with a narration by Mary Alice regarding Danielle's child, Benjamin, which has a quite unusual upbringing. He saw with his own eyes his grandfather was being handcuffed and bundled off to the police car. He wonders why the person who brought him up wasn't called Mom. And he wonders about the people in his life, and which of the stories told to him are true, and whom he can trust.

Meanwhile, Susan Meyer's son isn't to keen to go out and play in the playground, which made Susan wonders what is the problem with her child. We were all kids once, and it was just normal for us to like going to the playground, right ? After much coaxing, Susan found out that her child is being bullied ...... by a girl !

And who would have wondered the drastic steps she took to handle the situation. Yeah, the most paranoia of the Desperate Housewives, she is. She asked Delfino to teach their son to fight back, which not help to settle the issue, but made it worse, because their son hit the girl. Of all the girls in Wisteria Lane, the girl who bullied him is Juanita, Gabby's daughter ! A fight ensued and Susan & Gabby changed from friends to sworn enemies.

In this episode, Bree is not spared either ! She discovered that her grandson is a vegetarian, and has changed religion from Orthodox catholic to a Jewish ! But her major concern is about her son not getting enough nutrition to grow up healthily. So she brought her grandson to the park and offered him to buy a hamburger. Her grandson is not very keen about it for fear of being scolded by her Mom, but relented because he is curious to taste the hamburger. Boy did he liked it so much that he asked for a another piece! But her Mom found out and was so angry about it, and decided to end the trip early and return to their home. And not before she told Bree that she may not see her grandson anymore because Danielle is going to the court to get the child custody and to refrain Bree from ever claiming that the grandson was hers.

I liked this episode because the focus is about the kids, and how they have a major impact in one's life. They may be small and naive, but let's not forget, that they are capable to make good friends quarrel, mother & daughter having different opinions, and how kids make the world goes round, upside down !
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