Q.T. Hush (1960– )
It's desperation time!
30 October 2008
I grew up with QT, watching on local TV as a 9 year old...At the time I wasn't so picky about animation...I remember Quincy, Hushes' assistant and Shamus, a hound replete with deerstalker hat, Hushes' "private nose"......There were character villains like "Al Cologne" (as in Al Capone) as well as an Asian goon named "Won Ton" (as in one ton) because of his size.....

Like I said, I wasn't so picky at the time....We had other stuff like this including "Spunky and Tadpole" a rather crude but humorous series about a kid and a bear detective that predated the Scooby-doo bit by over 10 years - but I digress.

Recently I had the chance to view several episodes on tape and was amazed by how cheesy the whole mess looked.

I guess my biggest problem with the series overall was that Dal Mc Kenna did ALL the damn voices....ALL of 'em!........And every one of them sounds the same! Dal's a talented man but even Mel Blanc couldn't pull off doin' everything himself.....

If you want to see something from about 7 years later that was so dumb it was funny, try Batfink.
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